TMJ is a dental condition that can cause pain in your jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. There are many different types of doctors that can treat TMJ pain, and there are some things that you should look for when choosing one. A temporomandibular joint disorder specialist can be a great option if you’re experiencing extreme pain, but you should also consider your personality and preferences before choosing a doctor. 


Biofeedback is a form of biofeedback training that uses your heart rate and breathing patterns to control certain body functions. This treatment can relieve chronic pain, migraine headaches, and other conditions. Biofeedback can also help manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and incontinence.

Biofeedback is an effective treatment for TMJ pain. It reduces the constant muscle contraction that overworks your joints and causes massive inflammation. The inflammation manifests as nagging pain. This type of therapy is especially important for people who suffer from mild anxiety, as it can upregulate the sympathetic nervous system.


Arthrocentesis is a minimally invasive procedure that injects medication into the joint. It can help relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. It is used to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It can also treat synovial cysts. It is a safe and effective procedure with little downtime.

Arthrocentesis is a simple procedure that allows physicians to see what is causing the pain and dysfunction in the joint. It is performed under light sedation. The doctor inserts sterile needles into the joint and cleans any scar tissue. The doctor may then prescribe medication or lubricants to help restore TMJ wellness.

Splints or night guards:

An orthopedist is a type of medical doctor who specializes in orthopedics. They can diagnose TMJ pain and suggest treatment options. These treatments may include splints or night guards, which are devices that help reduce pressure on the joints in the jaw. They may also involve orthodontics or surgical correction.

Physical therapy:

Specialists for TMJ pain can help you relieve jaw pain with various treatments. Physical therapy can strengthen muscles in the jaw, and counseling can help you understand the causes of your pain and the behaviors that trigger it. Some patients also opt for surgery to correct the problem. However, before you choose this treatment, it is important to know the risks and possible effects.